Single Number II


Given 3*n + 1 numbers, every numbers occurs triple times except one, find it.


use an array to record every bit occurance, % 3, the result is the bit in that single number

对于java,只要建一个32位的array 而对于python来说,因为Python是弱类型语言,当int溢出时会自动转换为long,这样如果得到的结果res为负数,其32位二进制码首位为1,那么Python会自动转为long,也就是说int型的负数会转换为long型的正数。




class Solution:
    @param A : An integer array
    @return : An integer
    def singleNumberII(self, A):
        # write your code here
        re = 0
        neg = 0
        for i in range(32):
            #sum of this bit occurance
            sum = 0
            for num in A:
                if num < 0:
                    neg += 1
                    num = num * -1
                #need to & 1 to clear other bits
                sum += (num >> i) & 1
            sum %= 3
            re += sum << i
        if neg % 3 > 0:
            re = re * -1
        return re