Word Ladder
Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:
- Only one letter can be changed at a time
- Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog",
return its length 5.
- Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.
- All words have the same length.
- All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
一开始看到string会以为是类似array的问题,但是其实是graph的问题 找最短路径,应该用BFS而不是DFS BFS搜索,最先搜索到的一定是最短路径
- 和当前单词相邻的单词是:对当前单词改变一个字母且在字典中存在的单词
使用每个位置改变26个字母来找neighbours的方法,只需要使用固定的26 * len(word)的time
- 找到一个单词的相邻单词,加入bfs队列后,要从字典中删除,因为不删除的话会造成类似于hog->hot->hog的死循环。而删除对求最短路径没有影响,因为我们第一次找到该单词肯定是最短路径,即使后面其他单词也可能转化得到它,路径肯定不会比当前的路径短(如果要输出所有最短路径,则不能立即从字典中删除,具体见下一题)
from collections import deque
class Solution:
# @param start, a string
# @param end, a string
# @param dict, a set of string
# @return an integer
def ladderLength(self, start, end, dict):
# write your code here
if not start or not end or not dict:
return None
level = 1
queue = deque()
queue.append([start, level])
while queue:
c = queue.popleft()
curr = c[0]
curLev= c[1]
if self.isNeighbour(end, curr):
return curLev + 1
for word in dict:
if curr != word and self.isNeighbour(curr, word):
queue.append([word, curLev + 1])
return None
def isNeighbour(self, curr, word):
len1 = len(curr)
len2 = len(word)
if len1 != len2:
return False
diff = 0
for i in range(len1):
if curr[i] != word[i]:
diff += 1
if diff > 1:
return False
return True
from collections import deque
from string import ascii_lowercase
class Solution:
# @param start, a string
# @param end, a string
# @param dict, a set of string
# @return an integer
def ladderLength(self, start, end, dict):
# write your code here
if not start or not end or not dict:
return None
used = {}
level = 1
queue = deque()
queue.append([start, level])
while queue:
c = queue.popleft()
curr = c[0]
curLev= c[1]
if self.isNeighbour(end, curr):
return curLev + 1
removeQueue = []
ns = self.getNeighbours(curr, dict)
for word in ns:
if curr != word:
queue.append([word, curLev + 1])
#delete the word already used
for word in removeQueue:
return None
def getNeighbours(self, curr, dict):
#26 characters(a-z)
neighbours = []
for i in range(len(curr)):
for c in ascii_lowercase:
s = list(curr)
s[i] = c
s = "".join(s)
if s in dict:
return neighbours